Booklet: He was only the District Auditor, but…

Booklet issued in 1986 for the fundraising drive

When they were surcharged in 1985 and forced to pay £126,947 between them the 31 Lambeth Councillors launched a huge fundraising campaign to cover both the surcharge and the court case for their appealed.

This pamphlet, with photos provided mainly by Lambeth NALGO member Dave Stewart, covers some of the key events, protests and personalities of the dispute.

Includes a foreword by Tony Benn MP; “The Lambeth Councillors have, of course,
committed no crime, unless it is a crime to look after the old and the sick, the disabled and the unemployed, the homeless and communities who are suffering so much under the Tories… We are all proud of them because they kept faith with their own people, with the party and with their principles and no-one can do more than that.”

To view the PDF click here

Nuclear Dawn

The Nuclear Dawn mural. Painted on the side of Carlton Mansions by Brian Barnes, Dale McCrea and people who lived in the building. Barnes painted a vision of nuclear death astride London, a mushroom cloud in the background, whilst politicians such as Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Regan are safe in a bunker. A dove becomes the CND peace symbol. Finished in 1981 the mural was part funded by Lambeth Council as part of its ongoing effort to highlight the danger of Mutually Assured Destruction in the event of a nuclear war.

For information can be found here.